Did you know that the way you stand or sit can affect your breathing.
The level of oxygen in your blood can also be affected by posture
In this blog post,I will be talking about breathing exercises that can relief stress and tiredness.
The lungs can expand properly only when a person sits and stands straight. Otherwise the sacs in the lungs that take in air are compressed.
If lungs do not get enough air, the blood does not get enough oxygen. As a result, everything does not function as efficiently as it should. Lets go right ahead and discuss

How do you normally feel when you wake up in the morning? Especially after a deep peaceful sleep.
I normally feel very relaxed and we’ll rested.
.This is because of the way we breath deeply when we sleep.
Breathing exercises has the same effect. When you breath in deeply, it sends a message to the brain to relax.
The brain sends this message to the whole body .
According to hbr.org ,breathing deep and steady reduces the heart rate and stimulates the vagus nerve.
This nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system. It runs from the brain to the abdomen .
It is known to be responsible for rest and digestive actions in the body.
This nerve triggers a calming effect of your entire body.
By the time you do these breathing exercises ,you will feel tension slowly leaving your body. Eventually you will feel all relaxed and rested.

Practice how to sit and stand straight-Head high, back straight.
When you sit or stand straight, the lungs are properly positioned .
Most people have very shallow breathing which means the lower portion of the lungs are filled with stale air.
It is very important to do deep breathing exercises daily(three times a day is best).
Be sure to do this in the morning before breakfast. Below are practical breathing exercise step:
Research Has shown a relationship between our feelings and the way we breath.
There are a lot of breathing techniques that can reduce stress and tiredness.
Let’s first look at the best breathing technique for anxiety :
What is the 4-7-8 breathing technique?
This is a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.Whenever I feel upset or stressed from work,this exercise works wonders.
I.First exel all air through your mouth
2.Close your mouth. Start breathing through your nose.Take a deep breathe to full expansion at the same time count to 4
3.Hold your breath and count to 7
4.Then exhale slowly and completely through your mouth counting up to 8.
Repeat this 4 times .
This increases oxygen in the blood , helps the circulation and gets toxins out of the system.
All of the mechanisms that ensure a proper balance between the intake of oxygen and expulsion of carbon dioxide are in your nose.
Mouth breathing creates a different type of breathing pattern that upsets this balance.
By decreasing oxygen intake and releasing carbon dioxide too quickly. w Nose breathing on the on the hand ,promotes a deeper, slower breathing pattern that increases oxygen intake.
Practice this 4-7-8 breathing technique .
Do this until it becomes a habit.
When you are breathing properly, you are breathing through your nose and your chest and abdomen are moving in unison.
If only your chest is moving, you are breathing too shallow and oxygen is not reaching the lower part of your lungs.
This 4-7-8 breathing exercise can help you reduce anxiety and stress levels. It also helps in sustaining your wellbeing..
Deep breathing forces oxygen into your cells.This slows down the heart rate, lowers blood pressure.The blood circulation is improved leading to increase in your energy level
One of the best ways to TO MAINTAIN OXYGEN LEVELS IN BLOOD is to learn some practical ways of doing it. Many of us do not get ENOUGH OXYGEN TO OUR LUNGS and blood .
And in order for us to get enough oxygen to our lungs and blood, we need to learn deep breathing .
And remember to do it daily.
I found this practical youtube video by 3V very useful.
The most wonderful thing is that the technique takes just about I minute
Another simple breathing exercise to improve energy level is :
First is to lie flat on one’s back and place your hand on your stomach .
As you breathe in deeply your hand should rise.
This exercise should be practiced until your abdominal muscles automatically rise each time you breathe.
This indicates that the entire lung is expanding with emphasis on the lower part of the lungs and abdominal area.
Best source of oxygen is the natural air.
Be outdoors as much as possible .Always exercise outdoors .
In the home it is important to secure thorough ventilation and plenty of sunlight. Keep proper ventilation in mind wherever you are(home ,work, school)
Air must be in constant circulation to be kept free from poisons.
breath fresh air while sleeping ,open the windows even on cold winter nights. Double the blankets but always keep a window open.
Air the bedrooms daily with the windows open. When you sleep in an ill ventilated room you will awake feeling feverish and exhausted.
This is because the vital air was excluded and your entire body suffers in consequence
Do not smoke tobacco and avoid secondhand smoke too.
Remember your skin also breathes
It is best to wear natural material on everything that touches the body so that it can breathe without impediments .
Avoid smog and all chemicals ,cleaning solutions, solvents paint removers and insect sprays. Apart from taking vitamins, everything I have mentioned so far reflects a healthy lifestyle
The best air is at beaches ,oceans, waterfalls, forests .
All these natural environments electrically charge oxygen molecules to negative ions which are health giving.
However, air from air conditioners is not the best because it is positively ionized.
There are a lot of other forms of deep breathing exercises that not only relieve stress but also tension.
These exercises include
All these breathing exercises serve the same function.You can check them out and choose the one that best fits you and your schedule.
Breathing exercises really does not take much time.
All you have to do is to create 5 to 10 minutes per time and concentrate on your breathing.
That is my take on Breathing exercises that relieve stress and tiredness.Most of the exercises take just a few minutes of your time.For these exercises to have a calming effect,it is est to do it at the same times twice or three times a day.
Always choose a comfortable place with good ventilation.
Also don’t forget to put on comfortable clothes.
Have you tried any of these deep breathing exercises? If yes, how did you feel afterwards?
Drop your comments and tips below.
Or if you know of any other breathing exercise I did not cover, don’t hesitate to comment below.
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